‘End of an era’

Last Saturday we, or rather I packed up milking (no one else wants to do it at our house), bin milking cows for the last 47yrs so time for a change, getting an old fella now. They reckon its 9yrs since I last missed a milking & twice a day too, a think we went on holiday somewhere. Not sure if it’s summat to be proud of or summat to be ashamed of, probably the latter, the missus ses I’m a sad old so & so! It will be the first time in well over 60yrs that milk has not bin produced at Nutstile Farm. I’m sure Carol (missus) wouldn’t mind a day or two off now & again with not having to rush back for milking. The trouble is now I have to think about what to do when I get up in a morning, that used to going out & gathering the cows up for milking, suppose I’ll get used to it. Happy Days!
The Farmer!